Recurring revenue businesses know a secret

That’s why you’ve been seeing recurring revenue businesses popping up all over the place. Companies you’d never think could do it, or would want to.

How do they do it? What is their secret?

If you are a small business owner looking for the answer to that question, this post is for you.

In the past, the recurring revenue model was limite to certain subscription-base sectors: publishing, monthly boxes of products, etc.

A woman and her dog open a pet product subscription box

Recurring revenue businesses use to be found only in certain subscription-base niches.
That’s no longer true. Thanks to membership and monetization platforms like MemberPress, virtually any business can create passive income and recurring revenue streams.

We always say around here: ” If you have clients, you nee MemberPress. ”

Every modern business, whether online or brick-and-mortar, is missing out if it doesn’t generate passive income. There’s no excuse for that.

If you’re just starting out on the journey

There are plenty of strategies you can use to join the growing ranks of recurring revenue businesses around the world.

Regardless of your industry and niche, you can make money from ongoing subscriptions by offering online courses , setting up a paid support forum , paid content , and more.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to create an online presence for your business so you can start earning recurring revenue now. Let’s get starte!

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Necessary tools

WordPress plus MemberPress tools
Fortunately, you’ll only nee a few tools to get your passive income streams flowing. Here they are…

WordPress is a super popular, customizable 10 likeable brands and why they’re likeable content management system (CMS) that lets you get your business website up and running quickly.

The core software is completely free, so phone number mx you only nee to pay for a nombre de dominio y elija una proveeor de alojamiento .


En Plugin MemberPress allows you to monetize your content in many ways, from paywalling to selling memberships, and everything in between.

With our setup wizard and ReadyLaunch™ pagemaker, you can have your site ready for sale in less than a day.

Easy membership

Develope by the MemberPress team, Afiliación fácil allows you to set up an programa de afiliados for your business. You’ll pay commissions to users when they make sales and referrals.

Don’t worry if you’ve never use these tools before. In the next section, we’ll help you learn how to use them to start generating recurring income.

LEARN >> How to convert your company to the affiliation model
Cómo crear un negocio de ingresos recurrentes (5 estrategias)
Before moving on to the next tips, you’ll nee to instalar WordPress and create your business website (if you don’t have one already).

So, it’s time to instalar MemberPress


How to Install MemberPress on WordPress
see >> how to install memberpress on wordpress
Once you have establishe the framework for your website, you can begin developing content and creating recurring revenue streams.

But first, a few words about conocer su nicho .

To be successful with any of the following strategies, you nee to have a solid understanding of your target audience. This guide is a good place to start.

GUIDE >> How to identify your target audience – Fast and FREE
Come in with a good understanding of the people you want to reach. And these 5 strategies will have you earning recurring income in no time.

1. Create eucational videos

Una de las mejores técnicas es crear vídeos eucativos y tutoriales escritos for your customers and add them to a payment gateway.

You can then offer recurring subscriptions that allow customers to access these materials whenever they want.

Por ejemplo, Miller Johnson uses MemberPress to offer a customer support center packe with resources create by its attorneys:

Miller Johnson’s legal client resource center is an example of a recurring revenue business.
This is an effective strategy for generating recurring revenue, as long as you offer regularly update content that is useful in the long term.

Of course, it is also vital that the resources are actually useful and demonstrate your expertise. That is, you have to produce high-quality content .

Para saber cómo crear su propio centro de recursos para clientes, consulte nuestra guía sobre cómo poner un muro de pago a los contenidos de vídeo .

2. On-screen ads

Advertising revenue is one of the easiest ways to earn passive income from your business website.

Every time visitors view or click on your ads (depending on the terms of service you choose), you will earn a small amount of money.

We recommend selecting ads to adaptarse a su nicho . Otherwise, you could scare away potential customers with annoying or irrelevant promotions.

Ejemplo de anuncios relevantes en un sitio web de marketing.
It may be worth investing in an plugin de gestión de anuncios to help you manage your website’s ads.

Una herramienta como AdSanity allows you to insert your own and third-party ads anywhere on your site, and even tailor them to the content of specific posts and pages.