Recognition and Reward System in the New Product Development Process

Reward and performance system should definitely be evaluated together. In the classical process, the reward is given after a successful result, and the reward is chosen according to what the current psychology of the company or manager wants to meet. The most important point to be made in the reward system. However, it can be considered a good practice to set goals to achieve successful results and notify the reward in advance, rather than after success is achieved. The reward system is the responsibility of human resources management. Therefore, after the performance-based reward system is established, it is first communicated to the employees. The reward system must have certain rules. What is Idea Management and Reward System?

In order to talk about idea management

Reward system, it is necessary to first define the concept of innovation. However, innovation can be defined as the development of products, goods, services, processes or methods that have never been done or Job Function Email Database have been significantly changed in internal and external applications or organizations for businesses. However, the term innovation can also appear as the Oslo guide. Therefore, the Oslo guide is a detailed guide explaining the work and concepts to be carried out in the new product process. This guide argues that companies looking to develop innovative practices should focus on what is new or significantly different from the existing one. Innovation is a great force that enables company growth.

It increases the profitability

Competitiveness of companies. Innovation is given great importance by companies because it has many benefits. According to Aero Leads researches; 50% of the positive data on the performance of developing countries that enable development comes from innovation activities. The first point to start innovation activities is the idea . Idea management will come into play in these actions . The idea is the first step of the research and development phases. Every process starts with an idea. The process after the idea; It continues in the form of concept development. Therefore, design and verification, testing and trial production. If the starting point of innovation is an idea, companies should do some work within the scope of idea management. Companies need to access the idea. The ideas reached should be evaluated.