For visitors to contribute to ongoing genealogical. Research or documentation projects. By providing these opportunities, heritage sites can help visitors to connect with their ancestors, learn. About their family history, and preserve the site’s history. In addition to the benefits mentioned above, providing opportunities for visitors. To contribute to ongoing genealogical research or documentation projects can also help heritage sites to: increase their visibility in. The genealogy community. Gain access to new sources of information and data. Develop new educational resources. Build relationships with other organizations that share their mission. Overall, providing opportunities for visitors to contribute to ongoing genealogica. Research or documentation projects is a great way for heritage sites to connect with their visitors and promote their mission.
If you are a heritage site I encourage you to
Of providing opportunities for visitors to contribute to ongoing. Genealogical research or documentation projects in your area. Here are some additional tips for providing opportunities for visitors to. Contribute to ongoing genealogical research or documentation projects: make sure that the projects are well-publicized. Visitors Accounting Bookkeeping Business Email List should be able to find information. About the projects on the site’s website, in newsletters, or in social media posts. Make sure that the projects are easy to participate in. Visitors should be able to get started with the projects. Without a lot of prior knowledge or experience.
Provide support for visitors who are participating in
This could include providing access to. The site’s collections, providing training on how to use the site’s research tools, or providing opportunities for. Visitors to collaborate with other researchers. Evaluate the projects regularly. This will help AERO Leads you to determine which projects are successful and which projects need to be revised. I hope this blog post has given you some ideas about how to provide opportunities for visitors to contribute to ongoing genealogical. Research or documentation projects.