PPC as a tool for increasing sales

RThe development of technologies entails the emergence of a number of Internet marketing tools. One of these, widespread in foreign countries, is considered to be PPC. Let’s take a closer look at what such a model is, where it is used and what problems it helps to solve.

РРС stands for “Pay per Click”, which in English

means “payment per click”. Previously, the advertising model that provided for payment for each display of a particular ad, or more precisely for a thousand such displays, was popular.

But over time, other, more objective approaches began to be used. After all, the fact that a person saw an advertisement does not mean that he was interested in it. Another thing is if a potential client went to the site and got acquainted with the advertised products. It is more logical to pay for your own target audience.

a unique type of online advertising, in which the advertiser’s budget is charged not for the number of impressions of a specific ad, but for clicks on it. That is, the advertiser pays for each visitor who goes to the site.

Some people generalize PPC with contextual advertising, which is not entirely correct. The latter can work on any other model, when payment is made for the number of impressions or for the completed action.

Where it is appropriate to use RRS

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РРС is considered a convenient tool for those who want to attract quality traffic to their page. This is due to the fact that this type of Internet advertising in one way or another concerns the requests and expectations of users. Therefore, it is aimed not at random users, but at potentially interested clients.

As a result, PPC campaigns are considered to be a purely internet marketing tool. At the same time, advertising messages come in a variety of forms:

  • text and graphic blocks;
  • static and dynamic banners;
  • contextual ads, etc.

Advertisements are placed in search results, social networks and partner sites. The main goal of such advertisements is to attract customers. Thanks to them, the upper part of the sales funnel, the so-called traffic generation, is formed in marketing.

Thus, in search engines, this type of advertising

consists of a title, a link to the advertiser’s website, and a description of the product. Advertisements can be placed in different parts of the page, each of which is considered more or less advantageous from the visitor’s point of view.

and Yandex systems, as well as targeted advertising in social networks , gives you the opportunity to more clearly select your target audience. The advertiser can specify specific parameters (gender, age, interests, place of residence, etc.), according to which the ad will be shown to certain users.

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On partner sites, advertisements are designed

in the form of special blocks with teasers that correspond to the theme of the page.

If a visitor uses the link and goes to the landing page of the site, this indicates their interest. And an interested visitor is easier to persuade to take the necessary actions, thus gaining a new client.

In this case, the advertisement is broadcast on the site several hundred times, but the payment is written off only after the visitor clicks. This is the main thing that distinguishes PPC from other pricing formats.

The main differences between RRS and SRS

If PPC is a kind of algorithm by which the payment for a single click is calculated, then CPC is a specific price that the advertiser pays for a completed transition.

The price itself depends on a number of factors:

  • the level of competition during the campaign;
  • how well the ad is designed;
  • on what platform the placement was made (pricing on social networks differs significantly from that on partner sites);
  • the degree of relevance of a website page to an audience request, etc.

Each advertising service takes into account its own criteria when calculating the price. For example, CPC varies even depending on the time of day when a person made a transition. This is directly related to the schedule that competitors work on. Due to the huge number of such factors, it is advisable to develop each campaign individually.

Providers negotiate with organizations and work with them at a fixed price per click. But advertisers often compete for cheaper advertising space or for a more frequent number of impressions.

How effective is the marketing campaign?

The goal of a pay-per-click marketing campaign is to reduce the cost of a visitor’s transition to a website. This means that this marketing model is set up in such a way that the CPC value gradually decreases. Thanks to this, the advertiser will be able to receive more targeted traffic with lower financial costs.

But, when calculating the effectiveness of the method under consideration, you cannot rely only on price. In Internet marketing, one of the main indicators of advertising effectiveness is the return on investment. That is, the return received from each paid click is taken into account. For this reason, it is important to optimize advertising traffic for key queries and the appearance of ads.

Thus, several factors influencing the success of a campaign are identified at once:
  • low cost per click;
  • quality traffic;
  • high conversion rate.

Therefore, we can conclude that pay what is an email list? per click is only one component of the mechanism of an effective advertising campaign. And a low price alone, in the absence of target traffic, will not achieve a high level of conversion.

What tasks does a PPC manager perform?

A PPC specialist manages advertising campaigns. He is the one who sets them up and runs them. As a rule, such specialization is not taken out into a separate direction, and this is done by a person who knows marketing.

It performs a number of tasks:
  • understands various advertising tools;
  • together with representatives of the sales department, determines priority areas for advertising products;
  • directly creates advertising campaigns, adapts them to the operation of a particular system;
  • ensures control over the implementation of a particular campaign, monitors its effectiveness and, if necessary, makes appropriate changes.

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