Physical or virtual store: the benefits of bringing your brand to e-commerce.

If you are a retailer or plan to open a physical store, you have certainly considered e-commerce as a solution to sell more. Especially in recent months, with the coming and going of decrees due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Like any business opening, an online store deserves planning and attention to detail. However, for those who have experience in sales, the path is much shorter. In this article, we bring some of the main factors that benefit a brand with a history of having a physical store to structure an online store. Even though both work independently, both the physical and digital channels benefit from multiplicity, and the result is one: more sales for your business.

Your store's customer is already online

According to a survey carried out by the National Confederation of Shopkeepers , 97% of Brazilian buyers search for product information on the internet before purchasing in physical stores. And the Brazil WhatsApp Number Data same survey also revealed the opposite path, in which 84% of respondents stated that they had already looked in physical stores first, but that they completed the purchase online at a better price. Signs that the comparison between local and virtual is a reality for the Brazilian consumer. Another aspect that virtual takes advantage of is brand reach. Unlike what happens with a physical store.

Selling online or not your brand needs a digital presence

When we talk about communication strategies, for example. The physical store is necessarily associated with the region of the point of sale. Restricting advertising possibilities and the volume of people impacted – even in large centers. The Brazilian consumer today is connected. 97% of Brazilians consult online before purchasing. ‍ Certainly the physical location is a differentiator. For several sectors, such as department stores, the food sector. Construction and others – a factor that AWB Directory should not be discarded by any brand. However, every year the public’s barrier to online consumption decreases. And today, with the reach of social networks and digital inclusion for a large part of. Brazilians, e-commerce grows exponentially.