Phone Number Validator Lookup

Verify Phone Numbers And Check Line Type & Carrier
Use the IPQS free phone validation tool to verify phone numbers with 99.9% accuracy to check if a

phone number is real and active.

Lookup any phone number with international phone validation that enables worldwide coverage. Retrieve important phone number reputation data points such as risk scoring, carrier name, line type (VOIP, landline, cellular), or status as a disposable estonia phone lead phone number. Deep ping checks directly with carriers identify connected and disconnected lines to check if a number is real.

Upon performing a phone validation check, the phone reputation is also searched against abuse reports, spam, and reputation history across the IPQS threat network. Numbers associated with recent account sign up fraud are automatically blacklisted.

Free Phone Number Validator

Check any phone number to see if it’s real and actively in service.

United States
Enter Telephone Number

Integrate the Phone Validation API or Upload a Bulk CSV List
Validating phone numbers for registrations, payments, marketing lists, and overall user verification (such as AML/KYC) is an industry best practice phone number lookup tool & phone number lookup api to ensure your user data is accurate and up to date. Phone number verification also has an added benefit of limiting abusive behavior such as fake duplicate accounts and abuse from credit card chargebacks.

Verifying phone numbers can be performed with the IPQS phone number validation API which includes example code to make integration a breeze. Perform bulk phone number validation by uploading lists through the user dashboard in CSV format. Affordable pricing and enhanced lookup details provide better data and reputation insight than similar phone number verification services.

Detect disconnected phone numbers and check

if a phone number is active, all with one simple API lookup. Improve user data and lead quality with accurate phone number lookups that check carrier and prepaid status. Identify if the phone number line type is a landline, mobile/cellular, or VOIP.

How Does Phone Number Validation Work?

Upon searching with the phone number validator tool above, IPQS will automatically lookup the number against the country’s number routing rules. A quick syntax check is performed to ensure the phone number is properly formatted and then matched against active line types. Once a match is found, the carrier details are retrieved and further analysis can be performed. Using data directly.

from the carrier (with direct carrier relations in over 75 countries),

subscriber information and line status can be identified. At this point, it’s possible to determine if the phone number is real, based on an active line connection or disconnected phone number status. Additional phone number reputation checks are performed to analyze abusive history. The phone number validation service can also identify a temporary or disposable phone number frequently used by fraudsters. Quickly analyze users and score leads with an overall phone risk score calculated for every number.

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