para enlazar tus webs sin que Google sepa que son tuyas

If we are starting in the world of niche SEO.The normal thing is that we start with a personal account. You have to take care of this account, it is your first account and in principle all your projects will be monetized through it. As soon as we start earning money and the number of websites we manage multiplies. We can choose to create a business account. This company will appear in the new Adsense account as the owner and beneficiary, making this account completely legal. Hey Marco but… I don’t want to create an account

Advantages of SEO Hosting

company to run the risk of Adsense category email list closing it for me. Well, I see it normal. In that case you can try one of the options that we are going to see now. Create the account in the name of a family member. You can create an account in the name of your parents.Yyour siblings or anyone close to you in whom you have complete trust. Find a person in your environment who gives you consent to use their data to create the account Who is dedicated to topics that have nothing to do with this world of the Internet.Who is not interested in monetizing through this means and how you I have said before that you trust completely since it will be that.

category email list

SEO Hosting Configuration

person who collects Adsense profits. This Aero Leads option is completely legal in the eyes of Google: one person – one account. The advantage is that if they close this account you can continue working with your personal account and you do not harm the person who gave consent to create the account in their name, since it is assumed that that person would never have created that account. The drawback of this option is that it will be that person who will have to declare that income, which entails a series of obligations that we are not going to delve into now but to begin with they would have to register as self-employed, in the ROI… The last option that we are going to discuss is to create an account by fine-tuning your data. What I mean by this? Let’s imagine that in your personal account you have put your real name, which is, let’s say, José María Sánchez.