When you find and identify your own dream

17 elements Register statement and data protection With the help of a blog, you build your own audience in the long term Building trust online is more challenging than face-to-face. People (especially Finns) don’t believe anything you say the first time. For example, when I published this post once, I got really negative feedback on social media . I was almost called a fraud. But this is understandable. Because we’re just skeptical when we hear something like this for the first time. showing results and openly sharing how I’ve succeeded. And little by little people have started to believe and trust. But without the blog this would have been almost impossible. At least I don’t know how I would have succeeded in this with the help of social media alone.

Every audience readership and

 But the surprise is great when the original post got 500 reactions and your post got only 10. What went wrong? The fact that your text didn’t resonate with your audience. customer base is unique. Although many may follow entrepreneurs in the same industry, each company has its own unique new database customer and readership. Therefore, the competitor’s texts will not resonate with your audience. Your task is to find your own unique perspective, voice and style of producing content. And you do that by identifying your own dream customer. customer, you will begin to understand what is important to them and why they would listen to you instead of a competitor.

The goal of the blog is to stand out from the

Also read this: What is a good online course? And in the middle of all this is you. A wonderful entrepreneur who just wants to help his customers feel better. To succeed. To make a result. To relax. What is your dream profession. But now I have to drop you from the cloud castles. It’s not enough to GET your customer’s attention. You still have to CONVINCE him to come to your site, go to the online store and buy your product . HUH! There’s a lot Aero Leads to do and remember… Should you just give up? Well no! But I know there is some work to be done.  rest Have you ever done this? Confess, I am too. You’ve seen a great post or picture and attractive text on social media. You get an idea from it and edit the text a little, find a different image and publish it on your own social media channel.