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Also those who feel part of the traditional identities of Chileans. That is, a country that is not defin simply by its wars, conquests or exclusions. The country that can be that of the social State of law. A homeland that is the supportive community that cares for and protects all its members. A democratic Constitution cannot be an imposition of one group of winners over another, but must leave the field open for dispute and political action within the framework of respect for human rights. In that sense, perhaps the constitutional preamble commission would do well to opt for a text less mark by the identities of the own tribe.

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There are many ideas, but perhaps it would be worth looking at the South African example : «We, therefore, through freely elect representatives, adopt this Constitution as supreme law Pakistan B2B List in order to: heal the divisions of the past and establish a society bas on on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights. and profits. Analytics and Insights One of the most powerful advantages of taking a local electronics business online is the ability to track and measure its performance. With analytics tools, you can access detail data on various aspects of your online store, from customer behaviour to sales trends. By analyzing this information, you can gain valuable insights into how your business is performing and identify areas where you can improve.

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