Once inside the site, you can choose

If you don’t have an Once inside site account yet, choose “sign up” to create yours; After opening your account, or entering your login, you will see the homepage and be ready to start a conversation, as in the figure below: homepage-chatgpt-1 It is important to say that, although the homepage is in English, you can chat with in Portuguese. The tool understands the Portuguese language and responds in our language. However, it’s important to keep in mind that only translates information, so you can’t rely on it to correct spelling or grammar.

It is also important to note

The founders have already announced that, in the future, there will be a paid version of the platform .  How many Colombia Mobile Number List points do you need to pass ENEM? How to train writing with ChatGPT And now that you already know what ChatGPT is, how it works and what you need to do to access the tool, let’s get to the topic of this article: how to train writing with ChatGPT. As you’ve already seen, ChatGPT is a chatbot that has ready-made answers to different questions, but it doesn’t just do that. The tool can also write paragraphs for the user. See the example below: essay with chatgpt example paragraph.

Colombia Mobile Number List

That’s why it didn’t take long

Journalists to decide to test the tool by asking her to write an essay for the Enem. In January , G1 asked ChatGPT to write an essay along the lines of the Enem for  Aero leads the theme “ Challenges for valuing communities and traditional peoples in Brazil ”, the essay theme for the 2022 edition of the exam. The tool wrote the essay in 50 seconds. To evaluate the performance, G1 asked evaluators to correct the writing and, to the journalists’ surprise, ChatGPT got a score of 680 points, considered average in the Enem writing. Obviously, you cannot use ChatGPT