CSS background images not supported.

Match the background color.

If you just need a very CSS background quick fix and your design allows for it, you can match the background color on your problem section to the containing section/table.

It’s the definition of painting over the cracks, but it certainly works for a quick, no-mess fix.

Add some Microsoft specific code

If you’ve exhausted your other options you can try this code snippet directly in your code’s head section. Here we’re  China Phone Number Data targeting Outlook and collapsing table borders

This may have a more drastic effect on how your email renders, so if you’re going to try this out it’s important to on all versions of Outlook.

Outlook white lines still got you down?

phone number list

If none of the above helped fix your white lines or if you’re interested to read more about how and why these lines occur we wrote an taking a deeper dive into it. We also recommend checking out this  from our friends over at Action Rocket.

2.   Outlook lacks support for animated GIFs.

Does Outlook support GIFs? That depends on the version in which your animation is opened. Outlook and its lack of support Aero leads for animated GIFs has long-been a sore point for many designers.

While the newer versions of Outlook now have GIF support, the older Windows desktop versions (2007-2016) will still only render the first frame of an animated GIF.

If your GIF includes a call-to-action or any information that is vital to the email’s messaging, you should always try to include it in the first frame. If that isn’t possible you can always to show a GIF in most email clients, but hide it and show a static fallback image in Outlook.

3.   CSS background images not supported.

A while back Microsoft added but we still lack support for these in most desktop versions of Outlook, and we don’t anticipate this being changed any time soon.

If you want your background images to work on Outlook 2016 and other older desktop versions you’ll need to dive into the world of

VML will allow you to get those beautiful background images working on Outlook but will add a layer of complexity to your email coding process. Ultimately ach.  Email is different and often your email designs will still work without your background images loading. It’s down to you to decide if the extra effort of VML is worth if for your specific needs.

4.   Outlook ignores margin and padding.

One of the persistent challenges faced by email developers when coding for Outlook is its tendency to ignore margin and padding properties.

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