Multiplying organic traffic x3 in 1 week with an Amazon Affiliate niche

The ones I have posted are generally shown, but you can try a thousand things. Be original . The key is to make it different from the competition . If all your competition starts with the keyword at the beginning of the title, place it somewhere else to catch their attention. And that’s it for this article explaining how in a simple way and with a moderate budget you can easily increase visits and income. SEO suitable for all audiences.Hey what’s up reader! This will be my last post for a while but I’ll talk about that below. Today I come to say goodbye with something that I think you will like. Because it is the type of content that people want to see on Blogger3. SEO and practical cases .

I'm going to tell you

How I have multiplied the traffic and also the income from the last Nursing Homes Email List website I bought by 4x. This post is special so. I would like you to stay with me one last time and until the end. Article index 1 Improved RU metrics (user response) 2 Search for keywords according to trend. 3 Conservative link building 4 How we rank keywords in bulk thanks to copywriting. 5 Rule number 1 of copywriting 6 Variation of tone depending on reader. Photos and titles with a single purpose: to catch 8 The SEO information that Dean provides me. The beginning of a post: the most complicated part 10 Conclusions from a copy. Farewell Some of you will remember that last Christmas, specifically on December 20. I published a post saying that I was going to buy a reader’s website . Many of you offered me your websites at that time and among so many offers there was more than one interesting one.

I am going to reveal the website

Hundreds of comments / emails with your proposals. I had a good opportunity in front of me. In moments like that gang Aero Leads of bastards, that’s when you make me feel really proud of what I’ve managed to build. Thanks to you and thanks also to the invisible people who have been in the shadows during these 5 years of blogging, supporting me. Good. I am going to reveal the website I bought: Old image from the web At that time the website had the following metrics in Analytics: About 1,700 / 1,800 visits a day and something like 60,000 a month. In Adsense I generated approximately 250/260 euros per month Good.