Mother’s Day – Marketing Ideas and Business OperationsChild presenting a bouquet of yellow tulipsThis year, Mother’s Day is set for May 26, 2024 in France! Whatever your opinion on this holiday, as an e-retailer, Mother’s Day is an exceptional opportunity to boost your sales. In this article, we share marketing ideas and tips to help you wisely prepare your online store and stand out from the competition.
Did you know that Mother’s Day is celebrated on different days depending on whether you live in France, Belgium or Spain? In fact, there are a large number of public holidays in Europe that you may not be aware of. If you sell internationally, our public holiday calendar will help you plan your marketing efforts and ensure that your campaigns are in line with the key events in each country. Download it below:
Mother’s Day is ingrained in traditions around the world
and it’s easy to see why! Before we dive into the numbers from different markets, let’s take a moment to review the chart below, which highlights shoppers’ attitudes toward Mother’s russia telegram data Day around the world.mothers-day-across-europe-chartWhether it is a voluntary choice (in Poland!) or an obligation (in Denmark), it is clear thamanyconsumersparticipate in the purchase of gifts for Mother’s Day. Can we question the love that Poles have for their mothers after this survey?
Mother’s Day UKBritish consumers are among the best in the world 9 key tips for writing super strong blog titles when it comes to celebrating Mother’s Day. Their generosity knows no bounds. According to data from Statista :In 2022, retail and Mother’s Day spending reached a staggering £1.49 billion.It is important to note that this figure has seen a slight decline in 2023, reaching £1.28 billion. This decrease is hardly surprising given the global economic situation. It will be interesting to see how things develop in the coming years.
Mother’s Day in GermanyAh, Muttertag. Germans spend lavishly to celebrate aol email list Mother’s Day. Florists see their sales double during Mother’s Day week, and overall retail spending sees a surge in the run-up to the event.
According to the German Retail Association (HDE),Mother’s Day is one of the most celebrated days in G
ermany, right after Christmas and Easter.
Mother’s Day in FranceThe French are no exception
2/3 of French adults intend to offer a Mother’s Day gift to someone they know.
Mother’s Day in Poland
Poland is famous for its festivities dedicated to each member of the family. In addition to Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, there is also Grandmother’s Day, Grandfather’s Day and Children’s Day.
The mother, the true pillar of the family, is certainly honored by the majority of Poles. We have seen previously in this section what the Polish market thinks about Mother’s
, but according to Statista , Poles do not stop at nice words: