Mistakes to Avoid and Guaranteed Results

Mistakes to Avoid and Guaranteed Results Felipe Sobrera By Felipe Sobrera November 4, 2018 The term “content marketing”, both as a strategy and as a discipline, has become a part of the vocabulary of those involved in marketing. This approach has been promoted as a necessity for any company, regardless of size or digital maturity. Indeed, this makes sense. Content marketing is very powerful and can bring a lot of results. However, if done incorrectly, it won’t work and will ultimately cause losses or, even worse, damage the reputation of digital marketing in front of companies starting to enter this field.

Between a successful content marketing

So, what’s the difference between a successful content marketing strategy and an ineffective content marketing strategy? Let’s take a look! The rise of content marketing Why invest in content? What is the expected return? Content  new data marketing or SEO? Because it doesn’t work 1. Lack of public understanding 2. Unmapped keywords 3. Search intent not considered 4. Content not optimized 5. Unmeasured content 6. Bad website 7. Lack of content promotion 8. No backlinks Strategy 9. Non-Existent Consistency 10. Lack of Company Involvement Don’t Separate Content Marketing from SEO The Rise of Content Marketing I’m sure the concept of inbound.

The rise of content marketing Why invest in content

Marketing is not new to you, the concept is briefly summarized in the image below, courtesy of Hubspot Group Creation: Hubspot – Inbound Marketing Without pretending to be true to the origins of the concept, we can surmise that content  Aero Leads marketing is a sub-discipline of inbound marketing. More specifically, the subdisciplines related to the first stage of the funnel shown above (the “attraction” part). Hubspot explored the inbound concept back in 2008, and it was based on a relatively simple insight: consumers don’t want Aero Leads  to be bothered. In other words, he defeated traditional communication and marketing based on television, magazines and other old channels. These channels sustain themselves through disruption.