How does the MBTI Test work

The MBTI is based on four scales of psychological type. These types are dichotomous, that is, one is in the opposite of the other. See what they are: 1. Extroversion | introversion Scale that describes how people respond and interact with the world around them. Extroverts are action-oriented and enjoy social interaction, while introverts are thought-oriented and enjoy spending time alone. 2. Sensation | Intuition Scale that reflects how individuals gather information from the outside world. People who prefer to feel focus on facts, details and like hands-on experiences, while people who act on intuition prefer to think about possibilities, imagine the future and create theories. 3. Thought | Feeling Scale that reflects how individuals make decisions.

People who prefer to give reason to thinking

look for logic and precision when making a decision. On the other hand, people who use feeling take emotions into account. 4. Trial | Perception Scale that reflects how people deal with the outside world. People who tend to judge Switzerland Phone Numbers List situations make firm decisions. Perceptive people are open, flexible, and adaptable. Each test question makes a statement about everyday situations, and the respondent needs to choose one option out of five: I totally agree I more or less agree I do not agree nor disagree I disagree more or less totally disagree For example, one of the questions is the following: ” Are you often so absorbed in your thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings “, and the respondent needs to choose whether he agrees a little or a lot, whether he disagrees a little or a lot, or whether he does not agree or not.

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In the end, the test reveals which personality

The most, based on the combination of your answers. professions for those who don’t like dealing with people What are the MBTI Test Personalities? From the combinations Aero leads of the answers, it is possible to arrive at 16 results. That is, the MBTI personality test results in 16 personality types, which are divided into four groups: analysts, diplomats, sentinels and explorers. Below you can see each type: 1. Analysts In general, the group of analysts brings together people with pragmatic and rational characteristics. Within this group there are four personalities: Architect : highly analytical, creative and logical people. Logical : people who are always looking for development and innovation. Commander : people who are not afraid to dare and like challenges. Innovative : curious, intelligent and expressive people. 2. Diplomats The diplomats group is made up of intuitive and sentimental people, who focus on empathy and cooperation.

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