Polls after the negative judgment on the constituents, the reason that most emerges among those who support the rejection is plurinationality. According to the CADEM survey, respondents were strongly inclin towards the concept of a “multicultural society of a single nation” as oppos to a “plurinational society”, with % versus %. The rejection sector has manag to consolidate a base of support around traditional identities that feel threaten by the notion of plurinationality. The name that the hosts of rejection have come to give themselves on social networks is that of the patriots”. By the way, it is impossible to forget that, just a few months ago.
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José Antonio Kast, the candidate of the extreme right, won the first electoral round for the presidency and that, in the second round, he manag to amass a very high number of voters ( %), almost Tuvalu Email List the same number of absolute votes with which Piñera had won the elections. Certainly, the discourse of the “right without complexes” that rais a message of a religious, family and patriotic order, may have a relevant drag. And there is little doubt that Kast will play a leading role in the rejection campaign. an inclusive homeland The Constitution does not have a preamble. It barely has a few references to the decree laws issu by the Pinochet regime.
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Although the preambles are not legally the most relevant part of the constitutional text, the fact that the Governing Board has not felt the ne to introduce any general vision Aero Leads of society says a lot. In fact, the previous constitutions —those of , and — did not have it either. All the constitutions that Chile has had were born from civil wars or coups d’état in which the winning side has impos its position and, therefore, has not seen a greater ne to deliver a justifying preamble to the text. The new Chilean Constitution will necessarily have a preamble.