Logical operators are responsible

Select the most loyal users who can join the community bas on the subscribers who have join and post and respond. Note:  community has fewer than posts and fewer than subscribers. We will continue to set up target ads in manual mode. In the Interests and Behaviors field select the interests that are closest to the advertis community. An interesting feature: in the settings you can switch to logic formula mode.

This setting has no effect if the

Using the logical operators  you can China B2B List segment your audience more precisely. To use audience segmentation rules click the button. formula mode Here you can switch to logical formula mode The working principle of logical operators is as follows: Logical operators are responsible for the intersection of audiences. For example Interest and Behavior rows represent production and repair building materials. In this way users who are interest in both categories will enter the target audience. Logical operators combine audiences. For example Interest and Action rows represent repairs building materials or houses. This means that users who are interest in at least one of the categories or both if any will enter.

B2B Email List

Here you can switch to logical

The target audience.  for the intersection of audience and negation. For example the row Interests and Behaviors indicates villas not interior AERO Leads design. The audience we get includes users who are interest in the first type of interest and absolutely not interest in the second type of interest. Example of Selecting an Audience Using Logical Operators Example of Selecting an Audience Using Logical Operators If you don’t ne such a subtle setup in simple mode select the audience interests that you think are closest to the topic of your community. In the Community Subscribers row enter the link for the community whose subscribers you want to be interest in your product or service. Subscribers to our promot communities will not see this ad. They’ve done target action.

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