Learn How to Make a Successful School Transfer Request

I want us to reflect on the opportunity that we all have to learn, to satisfy our curiosity, to investigate, to do and live what we like with passion. Why do I put emphasis on the word “all” ? Apparently, we still tend to stigmatize what we do not understand. To think that regular education is not for everyone. Given this negative attitude. The phrase inclusive education appears. Does it sound familiar to you. This is why we must debunk the myth that so-called inclusive people do not learn. Yes they do, just in different ways and times.

Importance of inclusive education

UNESCO defines inclusive education as the process of identifying and responding to the diversity of the needs of all students, which involve business email list changes and modifications in content and strategies, according to age and which involve all children because Education is for everyone. This means that all teachers should think that the educational systems and programs that govern our country must or should be put in place for this purpose.

Some will take a little

Faced with this reality. The question becomes ripe: how do we transform educational systems in the face of diversity. An inclusive education must facilitate learning, that is. It cannot discriminate. It must be realized that children and Aero Leads young people with or without different abilities learn together, taking into consideration life experience. The way in which each family has stimulated learning in their children. The methodology used by teachers and the way to motivate participation. of everyone.