Lead Generation Fraud In Today’s Climate

Lead generation and performance marketing based programs revolve around a commission per defined action, such as when a user submits a form, signs up, or purchases an item.

So what exactly is lead generation fraud? Any type of misrepresented

. user action or user data designed to fraudulently generate a payable commission. For example, this could include purposefully deceitful data for the taiwan phone lead site of capture, opt-in status, email address, personal user data, lead age, IP address, similar meta data associated with the IP address. The fraudster’s goal is to get paid for fake leads or low quality submissions.

taiwan phone lead

Lead gen programs can also include user action goals for purchases and app installs. It is quite common for performance based marketing to encounter chargebacks and fraudulent app installs, as fraudsters have access to many tools which can voip & google voice phone validator make this possible. Lead abuse can extend to both cost-per-action (CPA) and cost-per-lead (CPL) campaign types.

Even lending & mortgage application leads

have seen a huge increase in abuse over the past few years. While stolen user data and identity theft complicate mitigation techniques, the guide below includes many ways to reduce 1st payment defaults and applicants that never make a payment.

Preventing Lead Generation Fraud
Now that you’ve heard the bad, let’s focus on the many ways to protect your lead generation program from fake leads, fraudulent chargebacks, and the best ways to perform user validation. There are a variety of techniques to detect lead generation fraud without hurting your campaign’s ROI and performance.

The options slightly depend on your lead capture setup, such as if you use Ping Tree or Ping & Post methods, or capture the data directly on your landing page. Both ways can be fully protected with the recommendations below.

Analyze Campaign Metrics

Analyze click through (CTR) and conversion rates (CR) from the affiliates or lead source. Affiliates with a very high conversion rate, can represent a giant red flag that fraudulent traffic or malicious activity may be occurring. Affiliate and source tracking is also useful to help identify where most of your fraud is coming from. Once you’ve been able to identify which leads have disconnected phone numbers, low quality users, or generate reversals, you can then focus on cutting down the high risk sources.

Check Bot Traffic & Detect Bot Form Submissions

One of the most accurate indicators to detect lead gen fraud is checking your traffic for any bot patterns. . Using a quick API request to analyze the IP address or device properties can accurately detect bot traffic. Everything from the frequency of submissions to the actual device behavior can be used to identify suspicious leads.

IPQS has a released a detailed guide for preventing

bots submitting forms, which can be helpful to better understand bot behavior. Compared to traditional captcha services, this approach also allows the user experience to be uninterrupted for good quality leads.

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