Launching A Network A Franchise What

Entrust your work to other people? What if they don’t do it the way I wanted? And it’s okay when these are other specialists, it’s worse when you transfer the work that you did well to other specialists. Which, most likely, will not do it well either. After all, otherwise it would be them who would become leaders, not you.⠀ And the main temptation and error of delegation: to tell your subordinates exactly what to do and how to fix the unsatisfactory result of work.⠀ For example, reports. I love reports and will soon write an article about them. What is the most important thing in a report? That’s right, conclusions.⠀

Your Shaumra Point Is Gradually

There is always a temptation and desire to take and write the conclusions yourself, for others. After all, while you explain, while he will drive in, while all this burden will last, a lot of time Singapore Phone Number List will pass. It’s easier to save money and do it yourself. Raise your hands, who did this? I did this for a couple of months and got pissed off from the amount of “alterations” on the one hand, and from the lack of changes on the other.⠀ Or give exact edits, how to correct the conclusions.⠀ As a result, I decided for myself that this is a dead end path of development. You practically do not train the performer.

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Becoming Legendary You Are

The does not think, but stupidly ctrl + c ctrl + v (we passed, we know). And the only option is to ask leading questions and help. Explain why he is wrong, where he is wrong, but in no Aero Leads case should he be allowed to write down the final result from dictation.⠀ The final text should be done by him. Then there is development, then there is progress. And after N-months of torment, suffering and pain, you look at the next report and your heart rejoices, everything is fine there.⠀ Therefore, people must be given the opportunity to think for themselves. No matter.