Lately there has been a lot of talk about community. Lately there has been a lot of talk about community Based marketing, and how it is influencing .The choices of big brands. In this article we will see what it is and how to exploit .It for your business. Let’s start from the root of the problem: what change in customer consumption habits led to the formulation of this new strategy. According to 2018 research by salesforce, 84% of customers say they
Want to be treated as a person rather than a number
Relationships established new data with brands. In the space of 2 years. This consumer need has forced the retail giants to face a context, certainly known, but all in all unprecedented in terms of quantity (84%, eighty-four). The brand must therefore humanize itself and actively participate as a member of a community. The intensification of relationships between. Customers and brands is making community based. Marketing a crucial component of modern.
Marketing strategies
here is simultaneously a progressive .Disaffection of customers from traditional marketing practices. Such as advertising or influencer marketing. Let’s go step by step: table of contents [ close ] definition of community .What does community marketing involve.Advantages and disadvantages some examples 1. Legos 2. Adidas any examples of community. Based marketing strategies 1. Create advocacy and ambassador programs 2. Online platforms 3. Support a social cause (and think about it) 4. Organize events 5 Aeroleads Me