Instagram Giveaways: How to make a giveaway and choose a winner. Now also with reels!

Raffles are usually a common tool in social media to achieve different objectives: increase in followers, engagement, notoriety, reach… In this article we are going to explain step by step how to do raffles and contests on instagram and with which app to choose the winner. But first, we are going to point out two concepts that are often confused: the differences between a contest and a raffle . Instagram giveaways index [ hide ] contest vs. Giveaways: it’s not the same. It is essential to make clear the difference between a raffle and a contest in order to know what we are really referring to at all times and what may interest us most depending on what we intend to achieve. What is a social media contest? A contest is when the winner or winners are chosen after having achieved the set objective (“The photo with the most votes will be the winner” or “Whoever gets the question right”) or when a jury is the one who decides who deserves the prize. From experience, if we are going to propose a contest, we always opt for a jury to choose.

Contest vs. Giveaways: It’s not the same.

Otherwise, the user who has the greatest ability to call or who is willing to use all types of techniques to obtain votes will win. And when I say “All kinds of techniques” I mean buying votes by weight. Yes, as you read. executive email list There are pages that sell as many votes as you are willing to pay. And they are not expensive! Therefore, if you choose the first option, specify who is part of it. My recommendation, in this case, is to make it up with influencers , so they can help you promote the contest and encourage participation. What is a social media giveaway? A draw is when the winner is chosen at random by a system that offers guarantees to participants who have met the required requirements. However. When I say “System that offers guarantees”, I do not mean putting the names of all the participants on pieces of paper, putting them in a ballot box and recording on video or broadcasting via facebook live – which can become very trending – how an innocent hand draws the name of the winner.

Main objectives of a giveaway on Instagram.

If 3,000 people participate, we can be making papers until after easter. Aero Leads lAnd how to avoid this? Very simple, using one of the applications programmed for creating raffles that we are going to discuss in this same post. Main objectives of a giveaway on instagram. As I pointed out at the beginning, with these types of actions we can achieve different objectives on instagram. Some of them may be: giveaways on instagramincrease the number of followers. Make your profile known to new users under the prescription of those who already know you. Increase the interaction of your posts. Generate content around your brand or company on instagram and monitor it under a hashtag. Boost your brand. You don’t have to achieve only one.