How to understand that you have problems

Secondly the grade of the new specialist must match yours. So a colleague will be able to replace you in performing any task if necessary. Friend’s mistake. Incorrect planning If you join, for example, a large project, and you nee to hire not one, but 3-10-15 testers, then a different problem may arise. The worst thing that can happen is that the workload is not planne correctly and the number of people to be hire and their grade are not correctly determine. If you are not sure that you will be able to plan everything correctly, you should contact an experience manager for help.

The main task of the leader

The third mistake Radical changes If you join an already forme team as a QA lead, a possible mistake is to immeiately try to change all the processes and approaches that have been configure for you. At first, improve something only point by point and see how things work. In addition, I would advise to hold a one-on-one with each person from the team, ask their opinion – what hinders, what helps, what can be improve. So you will be able to collect the main Chile Phone Number List problems, prioritize them, and only then plan changes. The fourth mistake. Fear of delegating duties with delegation? You catch yourself thinking like this: “only I know how better.” Remember that, unfortunately, ice is more likely to lose technical skills, so your colleagues probably know better what to do. “everything will break without me.

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Micromanagement is destructive management

It means you don’t trust the team completely. This approach can cause “hothouse” conditions for the team, when the ice “rolls” everything. Most likely, under AERO Leads such conditions, the team will stop developing. Error five. Micromanagement that hurts all parties. is to look at the situation somewhat from a distance, from above, in order to make the most relevant decision. You don’t have to solve problems for people because it never ends. Often, micromanagement arises due to distrust of specialists.