How to Sell Services on

Home – Instagram – How to Sell Services on Instagram How to sell services on Instagram in a professional way For many professionals, knowing how to sell services on Instagram can mean that “turning point” that will promote a true transformation in their business. In a competitive market like the one we have today, many professionals have already realized that selling services through Instagram is no longer that easy. There are thousands of beauty salons, beauticians, personal trainers, consultants, architects and various professionals from other specialties competing for clients who are increasingly demanding. Standing out from the crowd is no easy task, we know.

But don’t worry, because in this article you will get a good idea of ​​how to get started and learn how to sell services on Instagram in a professional and efficient way, it will no longer be a secret for you. A step-by-step guide on how to sell services on .


Check out the step-by-step guide


Below on how to advertise services on Instagram and generate real business with your profile. You’ll see that with planning and technique, this challenge isn’t that difficult to overcome. To make this guide more educational, we have divided its content into the following topics Strategic planning 2 – Identifying the Marketing Persona 3 – Creating a professional account 4 – Positioning yourself as an authority .

Developing content for your profile 6 – Building a solid follower base 7 – Promote engagement 8 – Use Instagram Ads Let’s look at each of these items so you can discover how to sell services on Instagram in a professional and efficient way. 1 – Strategic planning Our first tip on how to sell services on Instagram is to start with initial strategic planning, without which your chances of success are very remote, as the market is increasingly professionalized.



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I recognize that the operational part, the posts and interactions with followers, is much more seductive, but how can you sell services on Instagram if you don’t have basic guidelines to guide your work. Developing an Instagram marketing strategy starts with understanding your market and the dynamics involved in this process.

We can say that selling on necessarily


Involves five main points: Understand your audience, their needs, fears and obstacles; Produce content to generate awareness of your service; Attract followers to your profile to promote your content; Engage with this audience to clarify doubts and remove obstacles . Make your sales proposal at the right time. Therefore, in your strategic planning to sell services on  you need to define objectives, the audience you want to reach, and the tools and resources you need. With years of experience as a digital marketer . I can assure you that creating an account and simply . Posting whatever comes to mind is a complete waste of time and money.

Identifying the Marketing Persona The second step for those who want to know how to sell services on Instagram is to determine what we call the Marketing Persona of your service, that is, the profile of people who are potential consumers of the service you offer. Since selling services on Instagram means connecting your message to the right people. You need to determine the characteristics of the people you want to impact, and only later, as we will see in this article, can you start building a solid follower base for your profile. In this work you must identify items such as: Age range of potential consumers of your service; Gender of these people Goals and dreams; Obstacles that prevent them from hiring your service.

With this Marketing


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Persona designed, the challenge of how to sell services on Instagram will be much easier, especially when it comes to creating your follower base and another fundamental point, developing content for your publications. How to Sell Services on Instagram 3 – Creating a professional account One of the main secrets for those interested in selling services on Instagram is knowing how to separate what is personal from what is professional. Instagram has two types of Accounts . The first, and best known, is the Personal Account , or Personal Profile as it is also known, the one we are used to dealing with on a daily basis, where we see updates about our friends, relatives and personal interests.

The other is what we call a Business Account , also called a Business Profile , which is used to promote brands, products and services. This type of account is entirely focused on digital marketing, with many more tools and ways to measure the results of our actions. These two accounts, although they appear to be the same thing, actually have glaring differences, both in the structure itself and in the type of content we publish. Since selling services on Instagram is obviously a commercial activity, from a structural point of view, the first thing to do is to transform your Personal Account into a Business .


Account , so you can start off in the right way


If you want to keep your Personal Account , so you can have fun with your friends and family, the best thing to do is to create a separate Business Account , solely and exclusively to promote your services. Separate personal from business. On your personal profile, you can post photos of your children’s birthdays, photos of your pet, and other personal and fun things. On your business profile, things are very different. 4 – Positioning yourself as an authority Creating an Authority in your area is another fundamental point for those interested in knowing how to sell services on Instagram, and I can say that without this work, your chances of increasing sales of your services are very small.

People buy services from people they perceive to know a lot about the subject. It’s unlikely that someone will send you a DM or click on the link in your profile bio simply because you posted that you provide a certain service. Before hiring a service, people want to know what you do, how you do it, and why not say why you do it. Therefore, posting information about the details of the service you provide, what type of problems it solves, its benefits and advantages is essential on this social network. Photos and videos about your work are a way to create this Authority and attract an ever-increasing number of followers who are genuinely interested in the service you have to offer.

The market today is no longer a battle of products


But rather a battle of perceptions , as Al Ries, marketing expert and author of the book Positioning , says  If, for example, you are promoting a beauty clinic on Instagram , or a beauty salon , people would like to see the results of your goal tree: how to focus employees on the main thing work. Therefore, create an authority in the area in which you work. The creation of this Authority takes us to our next topic, which is creating content for your Professional Profile. How to Sell Services on Instagram 5 – Developing content for your profile This is another fundamental step, as this is what actually builds your image, attracting followers and potential buyers.

As selling services on Instagram is becoming an increasingly difficult challenge, due to the competition, many people end up wasting their time simply because they only publish commercial messages. Every social media marketing strategy involves publishing topics that add value to people’s daily lives, thus creating relationship bonds that end up generating sales. As we said in the first item of this guide, selling services on Instagram involves creating relationships and engaging with the audience you want to reach, content is essential. Make use of all the tools and publishing formats offered by the tool, such as: Posts Stories Videos Reels IGTV Instagram .

Ads The important thing is that in your publications you instigate and enlighten your followers regarding your service and what it can do for people, and promote engagement with your publications, thus establishing a community around your profile. That’s why in our Instagram for Business Course , we dedicate an extensive module to this subject, precisely to show you how to sell services on Instagram without the need for an explicit commercial message.


Building a solid follower base


If you believe that to solve your problem of how to sell services on Instagram you just need to gather thousands of followers for your profile, you are going down a completely wrong path. Of course, the number of followers on your profile is important, and in a way it reinforces your Authority , as we mentioned earlier, but if this follower base is not closely related to the service you offer on Instagram, this insatiable search for followers will be a pure waste of time.

As we said in the second item of this article, this is where the Marketing Persona comes in with all its strength. Users follow an Instagram account based on the degree of affinity it has with their interests, desires and needs. Many people believe that the number of followers has some impact on the relevance and reach of their profile’s posts. They are wrong. The Instagram algorithm doesn’t care about your number of followers.

This is what gives your posts reach


How to Sell Services on Instagram 7 – Promote engagement Finally, let’s look at the issue of engagement, a fundamental factor for selling products and services on Instagram, and often neglected by brands and freelance professionals who adopt a merely pamphlet-like stance on this social network. How can you sell services on Instagram if you aob directory don’t talk to people or interact with them to make it clear what you’re offering? For many people, the answer to the question of how to sell services on Instagram comes down to publishing posts and getting likes.

Use Instagram Ads No matter how much good content your profile has, your organic reach will be relatively small. It is always recommended to use Instagram Ads. Therefore, whether you like it or not, you will have to invest in advertising, and as I usually say in our Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads Course , the magic in this part is knowing how to segment these ads.