If you have come this far, it is very likely that you have an online store and that one of your main objectives is to increase the visibility of your brand in order to sell your main products. Then you are interested in knowing how to sell on Google Shopping . It doesn’t matter if you sell croquettes or socks, your goal is to sell and you want to be where your customers are looking for you . So far everything is clear. Now, where do your customers look when they want to buy? In Google . Today we want to formally introduce you to Google Shopping , a Google platform with which you can sell your products. Come on, grab some paper, a pen and a lot of desire. Let’s start!
What is Google Shopping
Before starting with all the details about how to sell on Google Shopping , it is good to know what Google Shopping is and how it came about. I don’t want to bother you too much, is it just so we don’t skip any steps that might interest you? Lets start by the beginning. According to Google Taiwan WhatsApp Number Data itself, Google Shopping is a “new product discovery experience” platform that aims to promote e-commerce through Product Listing Ads (PLA), which are a series of ads in product sheet format (image , short description, price, store, size) that appear organically during a search. These ads usually appear at the top right of the screen, at the top of the first page of results, or in the? Shopping.
Why should you sell on Google Shopping
Even if the SEO of your website is incredible and your online store is in the first organic positions of the SERPs, sales are not guaranteed . Whether we like it or not, most users who visit your website probably come to take a look. However, by advertising on Google Shopping, you will make it more likely that your audience will come in to see your product Aero Leads and hopefully click on it. These are some of the advantages of using Google Shopping : Greater opportunity to sell . Google Shopping not only shows your products to users of the platform but also to your potential customers. Low investment . Google Shopping is a free service that can be combined with Google Ads to create campaigns, allowing you to take advantage of your advertising investment due to the great visibility it offers.