How to perform cross-domain measurement with GA4

Even if you have just introduced GA4, one setting you should remember to complete is “Cross-domain tracking.” It is now easier to set up cross-domain tracking than with conventional Universal Analytics (UA), so if you run multiple websites with different domains, you should set up cross-domain tracking as soon as possible. That’s fine. This article explains how to set up cross-domain tracking in GA4 and how to check it after setting it up. If you know the term cross-domain, but don’t really understand what it means, please refer to the following for a brief explanation of cross-domain tracking.

Cross-domain tracking with GA4 makes

Cross-domain tracking with GA4 makes it possible to recognize user actions across domains as belonging to the same user. For example, if a user visits a website, moves from a sales page to another domain’s cart system, and then makes a payment, it will be possible to accurately identify whether or not a user has made a payment. This is a necessary setting for companies. Until now, the mainstream method for UA cross-domain tracking was to use Google Tag Manager (hereinafter referred to as GTM), but in GA4, it can now be set up more easily by operating it from the “GA4 Mobile Phone Number List management screen”. Ta. There are several other settings methods, but in this article we will explain the easiest way to set up cross-domain tracking from the “GA4 administration screen.

Add Your Heading Text Steps to set up

Mobile Phone Number List

By default, in GA4, if your own site becomes a reference source, it will be automatically excluded from the reference source. If there is a source domain other .Than the one you want to perform cross-domain tracking on, you.Can exclude it from measurement in advance. Return to the tag settings .And select “List of excluded references”.You can check whether it is working correctly by looking at the. Parameters given when moving between domains. Try clicking the link from the original URL to the other URL and check the URL Aero Leads displayed in the address bar. You will know that it is working correctly if parameters suchare added to the destination URL.