How to find a common language with any audience in advertising

There are also borderline representatives, born at the junction of time periods or having received a conservative upbringing. 4 generations form a cycle, which is compared with the seasons and reflects their typical characteristics. Also, when determining affiliation, it is worth considering the place of residence, in large cities the ratio coincides with the specified dates, and in the provinces it may lag. Psycholinguist Evgenia Shamis and psychologist Alexey Antipov adapted the theory of generations based on the milestones of Russian history. The universal values ​​of generations are similar, but perception and attitude are different. Let’s see what is important for each group. So, get acquainted.

The Silent Generation Preserve and Don’t Give Up

Those who are now 75-95 years old. They are also called “winter”, “opportunists”, “artists”.  Representatives of the “silent generation” have the following characteristics: law-abiding, respect the rules, obey the law, patient, ready to search for what is needed and not give up, conservative in everything, consider the familiar to be good, thrifty, buy in bulk, hardworking, health is necessary for action.

A WhatsApp number database usually includes phone numbers linked to active WhatsApp accounts. Businesses often use these databases for marketing, outreach, or customer whatsapp number database support. However, it’s important to remember that using these databases without people’s permission can break privacy laws like GDPR and TCPA, which can lead to legal issues. WhatsApp also has strict rules against spam and unwanted messages, so businesses need to follow these rules and get clear permission before sending any marketing messages.

Consumer preferences

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These people tend to save and put money aside, including using bank deposits. And they spend it on printed books, all kinds of goods for grandchildren and children, interior items and medicines. The cost of purchases is not very important, but, of course, depends on the standard of living. A significant portion of the expenses is also spent on food, especially those that are in line with the diet, or allow for occasional dietary infractions. In addition, representatives of this generation often purchase means of transportation (bicycles, cars, or assistive devices), real estate, entertainment, and travel that are age-appropriate.

What to show?

Usefulness and simplicity. You can mention directives and rules, state standards, standards, expertise – everything will do. Nina Ivanovna chooses and compares for a long time if we are talking about something new. She takes the familiar in proven places. Show that you can be trusted, use images of famous people and events. We all strive to show respect for gray hair and medals. The main thing is not to forget about the person the power of inbound marketing: roi and key benefits behind all this, because communication with this generation is often limited to recognition. Remember other values. For example, every woman wants to be beautiful and our grandmothers and great-grandmothers are no exception, it’s just that the approach to them is a little different. And the grandchildren of this generation are the meaning of life, they are allowed everything.

How to show?

Convey a sense of being needed and involved, caring and attentive. For Nina Ivanovna, both packaging and content, clear names, moderate colors and sounds are important. Rely on the known, no need for creativity and conceptualism. If you are developing a design, place the elements in their usual places. Let everything be slow, large and clear. Nina Ivanovna relies on the opinions of neighbors and relatives whom she trusts. Therefore, it is important that not only the representatives themselves, but also their loved ones hear about the offers for this generation. The information should sound as it will be conveyed to Nina Ivanovna, the benefits and characteristics of the product should be formulated as clearly as possible for the older generation.

Where to show?

Nina Ivanovna makes purchases in specialized stores or afb directory near her home, pays attention to discounts and promotions, waits to buy what she needs at a good price. She can visit a new place on advice or with someone in the company, if she finds familiar products there, she will most likely return.These are the people who most often watch the main channels on television and listen to the radio, get information from advertising and programs dedicated to checking the quality of products and services.

The “silent generation” if they use a computer, then to communicate with relatives. This should be taken into account when placing an advertisement. Nina Ivanovna spends a lot of time shopping, she can devote a whole day or more to solving . A problem, because it is often a reason to leave the house, look at people, meet acquaintances. If your product is difficult to find, she is ready to go to the other end of the city, just to get what she wants.

Baby Boomers: Active in Everything

With the psychology of winners. Their approximate age is 55-75 years. They are known as “prophets”, “spring”, “idealist revolutionaries”, “optimists”, “creators of a bright future”.

On the one hand, baby boomers tend to try everything new, and on the other hand .Soviet goods are a symbol of the old, good and eternal for them. Expenses for treatment and prevention take up a significant part of the budget. Money is a status symbol for them. Anything that can confirm their merits is included in the shopping list. For example, a car, a summer house, equipment, clothes, real estate, often bought at a higher price than they can afford. It is the baby boomers who tend to agree to a more expensive product or additional service. A large part of the expenses is spent on entertainment, good alcohol and food, and appearance. It is a good market for selling travel, real estate and financial services. When they retire, they most often seek to downshift or arrange their current housing in a suitable way.