How to do SEO on Wix in 2024

Maybe you have considered making a website with Wix but you don’t know if you are going to do SEO in Wix or not. Although WordPress is one of the most famous CMS , it is used by 65.1% of websites. This means that there is a remaining market share that CMS like Wix takes advantage of. There is no CMS better than another . It all depends on the objectives of each company. For example, a CMS like Wix is ​​great for websites that are small, just starting out. Or have limited resources. This is a simple platform, with everything included and does not require plugins. Among the main functions is that you do not need to install any software and that it has a drag and drop function that makes it possible to drag and drop files onto a web page, making its construction and design much easier.

SEO on Wix in 2024: Tips for positioning on Google

A few years ago, Wix was considered a bad choice. But it has improved a lot and is a great option for those who don’t want to get too complicated. With all the functions it now includes, you will be able to perform SEO optimization on your website in Wix without any problem. But Wix is ​​not going Thailand WhatsApp Number Data to do everything for you: you must also perform basic SEO keyword research actions, create blog content, etc. Therefore, I leave you here a few tips for doing SEO in Wix, keeping in mind that it is not the only thing for your website to position. Correct URLs The URL of your website should be simple, easy to write and remember. Therefore, you should avoid using special characters. The main URL should be your business name or a keyword you want to rank for.

Business-oriented keyword research

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Select the keywords most relevant to your business and place them on the correct pages. This way you can create useful content that you know works, because you take into account the search volume. Integra Google Search Console y Analytics If you connect your website to these Google tools. You will be able to learn a lot of interesting data, such as data about the Aero Leads performance of your website. Optimized meta descriptions and titles All pages on your website must have an SEO-optimized metatitle and metadescription. These tags tell Google what your website is about, but they also help users understand it. If you also make them visual and eye-catching, they can increase CTR and, consequently, traffic.