How to make a Social Media Plan step by step

Companies that are committed to being present on social networks professionally must know that the first step is to create a social media marketing plan. This document will specify the objectives and what strategy will be followed to achieve them. Next, we are going to explain step by step how to do it. Social media plan index [ hide ] what is a social media plan? The development of a social media plan is the first step that every company, regardless of its size, must carry out to start its presence on social networks effectively. Each company will prepare it based on its resources, its objectives and its needs. This is the document that reflects the strategic lines to follow on social networks. It is putting in writing the strategic reflection regarding social media marketing determined by the digital marketing team (digital marketing manager, social media manager and the community manager). And it will serve as a work guide for the entire team.

What is a social media plan?

Its length will depend on the type of company, but as with any document, executive data  it must be specific and subject to possible modifications. A company, without a social media marketing plan, is a ship adrift. Steps to develop a social media marketing plan. Analysis of the company, the brand and the product or service. The first step is to analyze the company by collecting information about it, holding meetings with the different departments (financial, management, commercial, etc.). And with this information, let’s prepare the swot analysis . Analysis of the competition and the sector. As we have done with our company, we must analyze at least 3 in competing companies. By analyzing their presence on social networks, we will try to determine what strategies they are following and see if they can be useful as a reference. It is also worth analyzing the sector. Target audiences. The po is the profile of the user to whom we want to send the message, these being the ones who have the need that the company can solve for them.

Steps to develop a social media marketing plan.

Aspects such as age, sex, demographic situation, profession, employment Aero Leads purchasing power, tastes, trends will be analyzed.  All of this will help us define the buyer persona . Objectives of the social media plan. Like any plan, in the social media plan we will establish qualitative and quantitative objectives. These must be measurable, achievable in a given time, concrete and realistic. Define the kpis to measure each objective. Kpis are the aspects that we are going to measure to see if we are achieving our objectives. We will group these by objectives and by social networks. Verbal identity. Verbal identity is how the brand or company is going to express itself through language on social networks. At this point we have to define what the voice is, the tone, the spelling and grammar and the limits of what can or cannot be say .