He got a plus from us for his interesting approach

Although this is an abstract topic, it is important to navigate in it. In practical tasks, attention is paid to non-standard approaches. “Normally, candidates perform tasks in standard ways, as written in the documentation. But one candidate really surprise us by offering a solution with a plug-in. Modular system in Laravel. We have not even met such a thing. At the same time, the solution should be practical, and not just look non-standard. Also, junior developers must be given a test task, as well as put practical questions at the interview.

I look at what a person pays attention

I show a simple class in. Which there are a lot of mistakes. Both small and big (for example, the class should be divide into three classes), and to, how he Croatia Phone Number List thinks,” says Maxim. There may also be a question of attentiveness. For example, PHP 6 and PHP 7? The secret is that the sixth version of PHP does not exist. General questions 1. How to declare a variable in PHP? 2. is an array in PHP and how to declare it.

Phone Number List

What is the difference between

What is GET and POST, what is the difference? 4. What is a cookie and how to set it in PHP? 5. What is a class in PHP and how to define it? 6. What is imitation in PHP? 7. What is polymorphism in PHP? 8 . What is encapsulation in PHP? 9. What is a static AERO Leads method in PHP? 10. How to declare a static variable in PHP? 11. What is a function in PHP and how to define it? 12. What is recursion in PHP? 13. How is ini_set() use? 14. What is the difference between == and ===? 15 . What happens when you enter a URL in a browser.

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