How Do You Know If Someone Has Blocked on Whatsapp

WhatsApp, one of the most popular messaging platforms worldwide, offers various features to connect with friends, family, and colleagues. However, at times, you may wonder if someone has block you on WhatsApp. In this article, we will explore different signs that can help you determine if someone has blocked you on the platform.

Messages Don’t Get Delivered or Appear with a Single Tick

When you send a message to someone on WhatsApp, it usually shows two gray ticks, indicating that the message has been Sweden WhatsApp Number Data successfully deliver to the recipient. However, if you are block, the ticks may not turn blue (indicating read) or may not appear at all. Instead, you will notice only a single gray tick, suggesting that your message has not been delivered.

Inability to See Profile Picture and Status Updates

WhatsApp Number List

Another telltale sign of being blocked on WhatsApp is the inability to view the person’s profile picture and updates. Typically, you can see the profile picture of any contact in your WhatsApp list. However, if you are block, the profile picture may disappear, and the person’s status updates will not be visible to you. This occurs because the blocked person has restricted your access to their profile information.

Unable to Make Voice or Video Calls

If you suspect that someone has you on WhatsApp, try making a voice or video call to them. If you hear the phone ringing but the call does not connect, it could mean you have been block. Blocked users are AERO Leads often unable to initiate or receive voice and video calls through the app. However, this sign alone may not be conclusive, as it is also possible that the person is busy or has disabled their internet connection.

Lack of Last Seen and Online Status

WhatsApp allows users to see the “Last Seen” timestamp, indicating when a contact was last active on the platform. If someone has you, their “Last Seen” and “Online” status will not be visible to you. Instead, you will see a generic message such as “last seen a long time ago” or “online a long time ago.” This absence of real-time activity information can be a strong indicator that you have been block.


While the signs mentioned above can provide clues, it’s important to remember that they are not definitive proof of being on WhatsApp. The app does not explicitly notify users when they have been. It’s always a good idea to consider other factors and directly communicate with the person in question to confirm any suspicions regarding blocking.