Governments In The First Weeks Of

Heritage Site it is doom to die. The “barbarians” who topple statues are implicitly protesting current neoliberal policies which, while driving the lower classes out of urban centers, transform the latter into frozen remnants. The symbols of ancient slavery and colonialism are combin with the glaring face of real estate capitalism, and these are the targets of the protesters. The look of the vanquish Anti-racist iconoclasm, according to a more sophisticat and perverse argument, expresses an unconscious desire to deny the past. According to this argument, no matter how oppressive and unpleasant the past was, it cannot be chang. This is of course true.

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Going through the past, particularly if it is a past full of racism, slavery, colonialism and genocide, does not mean celebrating it, as most of the toppl statues come to do. In Germany, the Nazi past is overwhelmingly Freight Forwarders Brokers Email List present in city squares and streets through memorials that celebrate its victims and not its perpetrators. In Berlin, the Holocaust Memorial stands as a warning to future generations ( das Mahnmal ). SS crimes are remember not by a statue commemorating Heinrich Himmler, but by an indoor and outdoor exhibition call “Topography of Terror,” hous in a former SS office. We don’t ne statues of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco to remember their misdes.

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Precisely because the Spanish have not forgotten the Franco regime, the government of Pro Sánchez decid to remove the remains of the Caudillo from his monumental tomb. It is only by desacralizing the Aero Leads Valley of the Fallen that this fascist monument could be erect in the realm of memory in a democratic society that does not forget. For this reason, it is deeply misleading to equate our current anti-racist iconoclasm with the intentionality of the ancient damnatio memoriae (condemnation of memory). In ancient Rome, this practice.