Google multisearch: the revolution in the mobile search engine

At the company’s third Search On. the event aim at publicizing the latest developments in its best-known search engine and services. Google present a new reinterpretation of search results. now call multisearch. Contents 1 A new step towards a much more visual and practical concept 2 What are the 5 main changes you will find in Google multisearch? 2.1 A new. much more visual appearance 2.2 Increasingly advanc result suggestions 2.3 Improv searches through images 2.4 Improv Google Lens Translation 2.5 New results cards 3 When will Google multisearch be available to the general public? 4 How can multisearch affect SEO positioning and Google Ads campaigns? A new step towards a much more visual and practical concept With its sights set on improving the user experience and looking for new ways to innovate .

What are the 5 main changes you will find in Google multisearch

Here we leave you with a list of the most important changes that we Crypto Users Number Data will have at our disposal when multisearch is fully implement. A new. much more visual appearance The first big change we will experience will be the way we see results. Although until now we have come across web pages to which users have access mainly through a title and a description (apart from the multimia content locat at the top). once multisearch is fully implement we will be looking at results of all kinds in which. above all. the visual and dynamic information prevail. Above all. the images and videos that are shown in full screen shine. as well as double-column cards with information that the search engine considers relevant to the search we have carri out.

Do you want to know what kind of flower is one that you have seen in a park

You will only have to take a photo and search for information through it. It will also allow Aero Leads us to do combin image and text searches. for example we can take a photograph of a flower and. through the text. ask to show it to us in another color. Improv Google Lens translation Although we can now translate the texts we see into images. they appear with bars that distort the image. With the new system. which will be integrat into the search engine. Google will be able to recreate the space that changes in the background of images in a realistic way. To do this. they have had to develop the image processing system and apply machine learning technology. New scorecards As you may have seen in the image just below these lines. we will have new interactive result cards. Thus.