Google Ads Glossary: ​​40 terms you need to know

Whether you are just starting out or have been using Google Ads (Old Google Adwords) for some time, you will be familiar with a series of terms that are often repeated with some regularity. We are going to review the most used terms in Google Ads in the form of a list so that you can have the definition of each one at a glance. We have structured them into the following: Terms about your Google Ads or Adwords account: Google Ads account. Campaign. Bidding strategy. Ad group. Keyword. Negative keywords. Daily campaign budget. Advice. Campaign type. Orientation method. Custom columns. Automatic labeling. Experiments. Terms related to the performance of your campaigns: Click. Google Click ID (GCLID). Conversion. Conversion tracking. Conversion between devices. CPC. CPM. CTR. ROI. Impression. Maximum bid. Quality Score. Speed ​​on mobiles.

Basic terms related to your account and campaigns

Google username and password that can be used in various products, such as Google Ads. Your Google Ads account is associated with a unique account ID. This is a numerical code, like the ID of your Google Ads account. At the account level we always specify billing and Saudi Arabia Telegram Data payment data as well as time zone and currency. A campaign is made up of a set of ad groups that in turn contain segmentation and ads. Campaigns are used to give a logical structure to your account. So, for example, if you have three categories of services within your company, you could create three different campaigns. Google Ads allows us to optimize campaigns based on a bidding strategy. That is, it will optimize the bid based on the strategy. There are several types of bidding strategies: Target CPC, Target ROAS, Top ranking percentage. By location on the search page, Maximize clicks, maximize conversions, Improved CPC. 

It is the maximum amount of total spending established

Remember that Google can always increase this amount if it sees it necessary, but after 30 days it will compensate so that it does not exceed the total daily budget established. Advice: You can have multiple campaigns share budgets using the shared library. Campaign type. It is the type of campaign we choose to do our advertising. The main ones are search, display, video Aero Leads or shopping campaigns. Guidance method: The type of campaign is also accompanied by the targeting method, where we will choose which user should see the ad, in what way and where it should be displayed. Google Ads allows you to select more than one display targeting option per ad group: Themes include a predefined list of general content, similar to keywords, except that here the ad is shown to users who fit a certain theme, such as the “travel” theme or the “cooking” theme.