The Legendary Reggae Musician Kiddus I, Headliner at the Se Dice ‘Regue’ Festival in Valladolid

After the frustrate launch in 1981 of their The Legendary first album, whose recordings were lost before seeing the light. Kiddus I remaine in the background until the recording of the album Inna. De Yard (2004), which brought together the main Jamaican figures of the genre. Brought him back to the foreground. Following the success of Inna De Yard, the Japanese label Dub Store Records reissu some of. The singles record by Kiddus I in the 1970s, follow by the anthology Graduation In Zion: 1978-1980 (2007). In 2009, Kiddus I . The albums Love Child (2012), Topsy Turvy World (2013), Stick to the Course (2018) and Topsy Turvy Dub (2018) complete their discography to date. This same year, she has releas the single Cup and the Libs.

Between the Mid-70s and Early 80s, Kiddus I Recorded Numerous Singles

Its director, Irene G. Escudero, explains that this year’s ition aims to “consolidate itself as an annual event in the national reggae scene. Not only Gambling Email List because it is an event carri out with the enthusiasm and effort of lovers. Of this musical genre, but also because “give the general public the opportunity to learn about reggae music. Its main representatives and the values ​​of this music, which promotes peace, solidarity and universal love. While denouncing social injustices.” Furthermore, it stands out that, so far, the Festival has not repeat any of the local bands, thus proving that reggae in Valladolid is very alive. The first contest was held in 2016 and this year it reaches its fifth eition.

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The Se Dice ‘Regue’ Festival Is an Initiative of the Sol Y Reggae Cultural Association

Before the Jamaican musician’s performance, the Madrid group Emeterians, one of the most prominent bands of the genre in Spain and Europe, will  Australia WhatsApp Number List take the stage at Se dice ‘Regue’ . Form in 2004 by Brother Wildman, Sistah Maryjane and Maga Lion, Emeterians has been a great influence in the development of reggae music in the Iberian Peninsula, helping to respect the style and create awareness and culture, expanding its message in both small venues and at major festivals and also supporting charity events such as Sisters Sing the Reggae Queens, Reggae for Haiti, Open. This year, the festival takes place on Las Moreras beach starting at 6:00 p.m., with free entry until capacity is reached. It is said ‘Regue’ has the support of the Valladolid City Council through the.