Error 404 Not Found: What it is and how to fix it

You are browsing a website and suddenly… “ 404 Not Found ”. Surely it has happened to you more than once and more than once you have wanted to call the manager of the website in question and tell him the truth. Because encountering a 404 error is one of the most disastrous experiences that can occur on a website. The opposite may also happen, and you may be the manager of the website where the 404 errors appear. If this is the case, “keep calm and carry on”. We tell you how to detect these errors and how to fix them . HTTP 404 Not Found or HTTP 404 Not Found is an HTTP status code that indicates that the host has been able to communicate with the server, but the resource that has been requested does not exist.

What causes Error 404 not found

The appearance of a 404 Error on a website can occur due to different causes. Below we tell you some of the most common: 1. External page removed Often these errors occur from a link that we have on our website that directs to an external page that has been deleted. 2. Internal content removed On numerous occasions we begin to make changes to our website Saudi Arabia WhatsApp Number Data that imply changes in the URLs, either because we delete the page or because we change some type of configuration that may affect them, such as the “permanent links” in WordPress , which apply changes. in the URL structure. When we make a URL change, the source URL is lost, so when trying to access we will encounter a “ 404 Not Found ”.

How to detect 404 errors on your website

We must be clear that having this error in the links on our site will affect our SEO positioning . Therefore, to keep our website in the best possible condition, it is important to detect if we have broken links to eliminate or repair them. There are numerous tools to detect 404 errors , both free and paid. We show you some of the most used. Google Search Console Google Search Aero Leads Console is the star SEO tool in this field as well. And also, free. By accessing the “ coverage ” reportwe can easily see which of our URLs are excluded because they were not found (404). The only “but” is that, being from Google, this tool only reports Googlebot errors, ignoring the rest of the bots.