Efficiency and see a continuous

Efficiency and see Workflow without the dreadE operational bottlenecks Believe Bitrix does this for you. The platform’s project and task management will simplify your life optimize your processes and make your company much more productive. No more suffering Watch a complete video demonstrating the Task and Project Management tools. Creating tasks and workgroups There are many resources to enhance the efficiency of your business individually and collectively. You can create tasks for yourself for another member of your team or even delegate an receivE task.

Create groups for each

Thus all files discussions and tasks belonging to them are storE and available to the corresponding users. Groups contain all the social and organizational tools necessary to Austria WhatsApp Number List optimize operations and use the communication methods available in Bitrix . It’s like a miniature intranet. Tasks can also be integratE into the group calendar and the time spent on each task can be monitorE from start to finish. This makes it easier to set deadlines and ensure that projects are carriE out at the correct time. Gantt Chart For those who are more visual in Bitrix all tasks can be monitorE using the Gantt Chart. It displays status responsible parties and chronology of activities.

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Makes it simpler to monitor

The progress of the project and make sure the entire team understands their responsibilities. Kanban In Bitrix it is also possible to view tasks through Kanbans . Of Japanese origin the word Kanban means colorE cards . The methodology also makes it easier to monitor each stage of the project or process in Belgium Phone Number a visual and organizE way. Bitrix | Bytebio Some images from Bitrix | Bytebio See our services relatE to Bitrix Projects Accountants Do you know that number that indicates the number of notifications from your messaging apps emails and social networks Bitrix also has it It shows you the number of tasks in progress late or without a specific deadline those creatE and followE by you and those that you are helping. You keep control of everything. Check list For many You always stay informE and available and you can also build a relationship with your customers.