The importance of significant pedagogical practices for the development of writing during the 6th year of elementary school . Multidisciplinary Scientific Journal Knowledge Center MARY The need to transmit and take your messages and realities to the world makes people constantly interact with the various communicative media today. Oral language, due to the fact that it happens immediately with each word uttered, often goes unnoticed, it does not require much effort to happen, unlike written language where we need to follow a certain structure or pattern characteristic of a textual genre or purpose of what we intend to write.
Final Considerations whether
In this sense the development. Of writing during elementary school – final years, must be constantly. Stimulated so that students can appropriate and improve their productions. Working with textual genres that facilitate and develop their written. Language so that they evolve even more so within their educational background. And for the new phases of their lives, in high school, in academia or even. When entering the job market. Keywords: Communication, Pedagogical practices, Writing. Elementary Education, Improvement. 1. INTRODUCTION Living in society Fabricated Metal Manufacturers Email List demands communicative. Acts that evolve over time and that often promote.
Teaching Action and the Impact on Reading in
Major changes in society or the world, as is the case with the Internet and the various current media and communicative means that were developed from it. In this sense, when we look at each one of us and our society, we realize that our communication begins through orality in times when writing did not yet exist. Oral language also arose in man the need to perpetuate his thoughts, deeds, celebrations, myths, beliefs AERO Leads and even religiosity through written records in various materials and, from this stance, the communicative act began to be constructed both by.