E-commerce myths and truths about starting to sell online

At least 20 years ago. digital retail arrived in Brazil. Over the years. the debate over whether virtual stores were trustworthy gave way to a digital transformation. and today anyone who isn’t online is certainly missing out on opportunities to sell more! That’s why companies from all sectors have changed their sales format and now also serve online. The question is no longer “why sell online?” (which we already answered on the blog) . for “how to sell online”. This transformation has resulted in a very particular universe of online commerce. As it presents some differences in relation to the traditional sales model in physical stores.

Reasons to start selling online right now

In this article you will discover some of these particularities. reasons and myths that Brazilian entrepreneurs and brands face when launching their brand Israel WhatsApp Number Data in the virtual world. For most Brazilian consumers. it is practical and reliable to buy online. Everything involves a good perception of the store and also a good experience when purchasing its products. It is by taking this care and using a lot of creativity that small and medium-sized companies have managed to find their space and compete with big brands on the internet. Solutions like Unbox enable brands and entrepreneurs across the country to start selling online with a more affordable investment than that required to open a physical store.

Make a business idea viable

Therefore. with a good product. careful planning and dedication. it is possible to sell more and better through your online store. Get ready to. Cross out the AWB Directory costs of point rental. cleaning. security. energy bills. water and property maintenance from your initial budget. By opting for an online store. your initial investment is leaner and focused on your product. Invert the priority to deliver a more pleasurable experience. giving your customer a feeling as pleasant when receiving the product at home as the classic in-person purchase. At Unbox. it is possible to open your store with zero investment. and you also get 15 days to test our tool for free. Furthermore. your store is already integrated with payment methods and logistics and shipping solutions.