The best digital marketing strategies in e-commerce In an increasingly competitive market situation, we see that digital marketing strategies in e-commerce occupy an increasingly prominent position for the success of an e-commerce . Most new e-commerce entrepreneurs tend to link this segment solely and exclusively to technology in terms of e-commerce platforms and management systems, but nowadays, the success of an online store increasingly depends on the digital marketing created to promote the enterprise. One of the main mistakes made by new virtual retail entrepreneurs is to think that the creation of digital marketing strategies for a virtual store begins to be structured after the implementation stage of the e-commerce platform.
In fact, both processes must be developed simultaneously so that we can extract maximum benefits from their structures. In our Digital Marketing Course we make this very clear when we talk about SEO planning for e-commerce. 1 – Creating a digital marketing environment for e-commerce from the planning stage 2 – The best digital marketing strategies in e-commerce 3 – The cost of a digital marketing strategy for online stores 4 – Getting your hands dirty to promote your online store 1 – Creating a digital marketing environment for e-commerce from the planning stage .
Nowadays, an e-commerce manager has a vast arsenal of tools to promote an online store , and precisely for this reason, planning becomes essential so that we can align all these tools in a joint marketing action. More than ever, we need to coordinate all online marketing actions so that we can reach a situation that results in the much sought-after synergy in digital marketing , capable of enhancing the impact of each one individually.
Well-structured digital marketing
Strategies for e-commerce begin at the planning stage of your online store. This is the case, for example, with the SEO strategy for your online store . When defining the store’s departments and sections, we need to have, at the very least, an idea of the keywords we want to be found by. They will be essential for the naming of each department, because in the case of building friendly.
URLs, we need to fit them in so as to enhance the SEO of the product pages. Digital Marketing Strategies in E-Commerce 2 – The best digital marketing strategies in e-commerce When it comes to digital marketing strategies for e-commerce, it is easy to understand that each market niche has its own path, but some basic rules are immutable.
Email Data: Email records, encompassing email data sender and the work and the information, timestamps, and content, is crucial for business communication and advertising. Analyzing e mail engagement enables and the work and this for the important and the work enhance campaigns, song responses, and tailor content to target market possibilities. Proper electronic email information control and the work and this her and for you enhances client relationships and drives lead technology.
When we talk about digital marketing for e-commerce, we are referring to a group of four basic areas for promoting products in an online store: Search Engine Marketing – SEM Basically the use of sponsored link programs such as Google Ads and SEO processes – Search engine optimization, in addition to actions on price comparison sites that also fall into this category.
Read the article How to Promote a
Business on Google Display Marketing Banner display strategy on blogs and portals through the Google Ads display network, Facebook Ads and other actions such as hiring banners on blogs and niche websites. Another very interesting strategy is the creation of Affiliate Programs. Relationship Marketing One of the fastest growing digital marketing strategies in e-commerce worldwide. In them, we use social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, depending on the sector, and good old e-mail marketing, which has regained its selling power and is an indispensable part of web marketing . Read the article Facebook Marketing for.
Small Businesses Content Marketing Creation of quality content for publication on a well-structured blog that not only works as a tool for exposure in search engines but also ensures that potential customers visit your online store. Read the article What Is Inbound Marketing 3 – The cost of a digital marketing strategy for online stores One of the biggest digital marketing so that we can allocate it appropriately over time, aiming to ensure the sustainability of the campaigns for long enough until they start to generate a return. In the course on creating virtual stores offered by the E-commerce Course team , there is a clear recommendation that the budget for creating a virtual store be divided in a proportion of 30% for the e-commerce platform and other systems involved in managing the functions of a virtual store.
The other 70%, that is, the majority
of resources, are recommended to be allocated to the digital marketing campaigns necessary to promote the brand and its products. Digital marketing strategies for e-commerce 4 – Getting your hands dirty to promote your online store The answer to this question will depend greatly on the stage at which your e-commerce project is at. In the case of online stores that are just starting their operations, the best path is to start with sponsored links, giving the SEO process time to start bringing its first results. Still in the area of SEM – Search Engine Marketing , the creation of a blog would also be part of this initial stage, as it increases our exposure on search engine response pages and creates indirect traffic to the virtual store.
Every entrepreneur needs
o be aware that each of these methods has a different maturity period. In the case of Sponsored Links, the return is almost immediate, although it is a more expensive strategy than the others. SEO and relationship marketing strategies , such as social networks, have a return in the medium and long term, but at a much lower cost than sponsored links in general. To complement the information we present here, I suggest you read another related article, published here on our blog, under the title Digital Marketing for Online Stores . As you can see, having a good set of digital marketing strategies in e-commerce is essential for the success of any online store, but you will only achieve good results if you plan the entire process in order to align the various actions. Stay up to date by subscribing to our Newsletter.
By Alberto Valle, director and instructor at Academia do Marketing 5 / 5 By Alberto Valle Published On: September 11, 2023 Categories: E-commerce , Articles About Digital Marketing Tags: Electronic Commerce , E-commerce , Virtual Stores Related Posts How to Promote a Business on Google How to Promote a Company on the Internet How to Advertise for Free on Google Digital Marketing for Small Businesses in 2024 Digital Marketing for Small Businesses 3 Comments Renata November 5, 2019 at 09:53 – Reply Search marketing is one of the Google Ads ad formats that yields the most results, and very quickly. Not to mention that the cost-benefit of this strategy is very interesting, since the results appear almost immediately. It’s definitely worth it!See the most common mistakes in Facebook Ads and how to avoid them Knowing what the most common errors are in .
Facebook Ads is the first step
to being able to create more efficient campaigns in a tool as complex as the Facebook advertising platform today. The Statista website , a reference in the analysis of data on social media such as Facebook and others, has compiled a compilation of common mistakes that brands make when deciding to use Facebook ads, known as Facebook Ads, to promote customer focus: how to make your customers regular their company. According to the website, even social media professionals still make mistakes when purchasing Ads and structuring campaigns for them. In our Facebook Ads Course we always emphasize that the success of a Facebook ad is made up of several small details that, if not observed one by one, can end up generating errors that simply ruin the whole thing. See below some of the most common.
Facebook Ads errors found by the Statista team and keep an eye out for them in your next campaign. 1 – Lack of Strategic Planning 2 – Misaligned Segmentation 3 – Poorly Calibrated Budget 4 – The Creativity of the Advertisement 1 – Lack of Strategic Planning One of the most common mistakes in Facebook Ads is not planning in advance the objectives and audiences you want to reach in your campaigns. When we look at the Facebook Campaign Framework , we quickly notice that parameters like campaign objectives and audiences need to be determined early on. Leaving this to be determined at the time of creating the ad is one of the most common mistakes in Facebook Ads, because in the end, you will inevitably get lost, given the many variables that need to be taken into account in a successful ad.
Misaligned Segmentation
Targeting is one of the great secrets of Facebook Ads and therefore deserves special attention from us. Pay special attention to the following items: Don’t try to reach everyone – When you start specifying the criteria for promoting your campaign, Facebook aob directory tells you how many people you’re going to reach. Be sure to avoid targeting too broadly or too narrowly, and always consider your budget and the number of people you’d really like to reach. Different markets – If you want to promote the same campaign to different countries, start thinking about multi-segment campaigns. Remember that each country has its own culture, language and customs. Assuming your audience shares your interests – Okay, you’ve got your campaign ready and you’re dying to promote it on Facebook, thinking that everyone loves your brand.
Be careful, your consumers don’t always share your interests. Market research can help you better understand your audience and what they really want. What’s more, how about targeting ads to an audience that could potentially buy your product? Give it a try. Non-segmented database – A good campaign is only successful if it is well segmented, right.
So don’t even think about including contacts from a huge email list without any segmentation criteria, because it simply won’t work. Age range – Segment your target by age range. A 16-year-old consumer, for example, does not want to receive something aimed at a 30-year-old. They are different languages. It’s curious to see this among the most common mistakes in Facebook Ads, since segmentation is precisely one of the most powerful tools on this advertising platform.