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Stories like this are very welcome The games in the series that drive the participants crazy align with people’s desires to win the game.” jackpot with things like cryptocurrencies, real estate, and stocks.” In the show, the jackpot money literally hangs over the participants’ bs inside a transparent sphere that lights up and emits slot machine squeaks every time another player dies. Despite the incentive to harm other contestants—and the dawning realization that more than one player is unlikely to survive the final game—many of the protagonists band together. Seong creates a team of contestants who look out for each other; in one case.

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They build a defensive structure in their huge shar broom to ward off late-night attacks. While some contestants are willing to step over anyone’s body to get to the final stage, others make great Sweden B2B List sacrifices. A woman gives her life after realizing that her new friend, North Korean defector Kang Sae-byeok (Jung Ho-yeon), is caring for her by people who depend on her in the world outside. of the game. On multiple occasions, Seong is distinguish by her compassion, especially in his friendship with an old man who is at a disadvantage in competitions that rely on physical strength. When Seong finally wins the contest despite his refusal to kill his last contestant.

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The uses the prize money to help the families of two deceas contestants. And in the final scene of the series, he decides not to take the flight that will take him away from Korea to be with his Aero Leads little daughter so he can fight against the organization that runs the games. The Squid Game owes part of its popularity to the brutality and explicit violence that guide its plot. But online responses to the series have reveal that fans connect deeply with the characters and their struggles. The competition show.