Consumer day tips for taking advantage of the date in your sales calendar

In recent years. The growth of promotions and offers on consumer day in march? If the answer is yes. Know that the date is gaining a lot of traction in retail. Especially digital. No wonder google itself has called our march 15th the “black friday of the first half of the year” . The largest research network in the world also points to an increase in research related to the topic since 2017. Proving the interest of retailers and consumers in relation to the date. Another aspect that contributes to success is the scope of the date. Between the months of april traditionally associated with easter and may which brings mother’s day. Consumer day favors the promotion of absolutely all sectors and products.

More than ever your consumer at the focus of every action

Who should brands prepare their best offers for? For the consumer. And because it is a commercial date and not a holiday. Brands take the opportunity to extend the opportunity. Consumer day campaigns and actions can become Iraq WhatsApp Number Data week of offers . Or even consumer month . Depending on the strategy to boost sales. As at unbox we are partners with good ideas and we always look for initiatives to help you sell more. We have prepared a series of tips for you to make the most of the upcoming consumer day. Write it down and plan to sell more! Google data points to growth in consumer day get ready to pamper the honoree of the day.

Authenticity is everything in this relationship

If traditionally in brazil we are used to raising public awareness on special dates (mother’s and father’s day. Christmas. Etc.). On consumer day a touch of personalization is always a differentiator. One idea could AWB Directory be to send gifts as a thank you when sending purchased products: complements to the purchase. Written messages and special packaging add charm to the experience. Another interesting idea is to encourage repurchases. Search your store’s information for your most loyal customers and talk to them. The reminder of the partnership is an authentic incentive to send a discount coupon or new items from the catalog. As isaac asimov would say.