Category or category The new category of products may be relat to the existing category of the brand’s existing products. Or it could be a category of products that are not relat at all. Which brand is known to a certain extent and has been successful before then? It will help the brand to launch new products in new categories or categories more easily. The main purpose of this strategy is to enter new markets. Examples of brands that we can clearly see in the market are: Nike’s Products Source: . s-shop/D-nike-womens-basketball.html Nike: Nike’s main product is sports shoes, but has expand its brand into sports shirts, sunglasses, soccer balls, and basketballs.
Benefits of Brand Extension
Including golf-relat equipment It also connects Mailing Lists By Zipcodes Email List well with major brands like Nike. Another example is Mars Brownie Source: suessigkeiten-shopproduktmars-brownie- x- g-im-karton Chocolate bar brand Mars which does not sell just chocolate bars alone but also sell ice cream chocolate flavor drink and sheet chocolate And what is striking in this regard is Source: .logodesignlove stretching-the-virgin-logo Virgin, a brand born from the record label business and branching out into fitness, airline, retail business.
Help promote and create
Mobile phones and more than businesses, and if we call Brand Extension as Category Extension, then it does not seem unusual. To expand the brand to a new category AERO Leads or product category. If consumers or customer groups can find a connection Or feel the connection associat with the main brand’s products. It’s not difficult for them to turn to support new types of products under that brand. Extending the brand away from the main category or product category It also creates benefits in terms of assessing opportunities to expand product categories. Resources ne The risk is not high and it also helps to measure the relevance and attraction of the brand as well.