The lack of brand differences

Get that is right for them? What will the target audience get in return? Step Choose the appropriate format. Once you have an idea for a story to tell. One of the most important things is the narrative style. That will determine whether brand story communication will reach the target group appropriately or not, such as articles, videos, infographics, animations (You can view the content format here.) Step Refine the story Once you have an idea to create a story. It’s time to make a story that can attract the attention of the target audience.

Try to get your audience

This requires a good narrative structure. Freyta’s Pyramid, an age-old storytelling approach: Freytag’s Pyramid Freytag’s Pyramid The beginning (Introduction) , which Azerbaijan B2B List is the point where the whole story begins, including the time, place, tone of the story. character introduction That is convey through conversations, flashbacks, comparisons, parallel stories behind the scenes, or even retrospective narratives. Prelude (Rising) An important point in pushing the story to the unraveling or climax point (Climax) that nes to impress.

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This is partly due to

A evoke emotion for the target audience to feel the AERO Leads emotion along with what the brand is about to tell Climax The climax or climax is the point at which everything is about to be reveal. of the story telling or the turning point of the protagonist’s fate in the story. If the story is only present with good stories that people can prict It may cause some feelings of frustration. But if there is a twist, the result can be a surprise. Falling Action, where everything is reveal in order to end the story. Or it may be full of doubts, new clues, twists and turns, giving rise to speculation about what will happen next.

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