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About the future of Instagram and may not have anything to do with reality.If there is another crap in this world that makes the “guru in disguise” a zero specialist, then I have not heard of it. ⠀ Liketimes are totally useless and wretch luring reactions from the audience. ⠀ “Oh, let’s like my past posts, and other people will like you, and we will all go to top-top-top together, and to the recommend one at the same time.” ⠀ Nonsense, crap and naalovo. Useless activity aim solely at creating an imaginary appearance of activity. ⠀

By The Door Try To Stop I Just Want

Every time I see this, I internally hope that I am not subscrib to this person (and I am not subscrib). ⠀ In fact, if you see a blogger’s liketime, mentally subtract from his activity on Indonesia Phone Number List previous posts the number of likes equal to the number of comments. ⠀ Why don’t they work? ⠀ In the reactions of us, content is important not in quantity, in itself, but in their constancy and “quality”. Which blogger will you buy ads from, with likes from liketimes or normal and organic reactions to content? ⠀ And it’s useless for people to participate in them at all. These reactions from a new audience are no different from bot likes and serve only for quantity, and not for growth in coverage and reaching the tops. ⠀

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To deceive the algorithm that takes into account the behavioral factors of content consumption, stupid motivation for likes  Seriously? ⠀ Liketimes are shit. Like likes for likes.SMMs Aero Leads have several stages of “strategy understanding”. ⠀ The first, most basic one is to make the same content everywhere. Because otherwise it is difficult, expensive, it is not clear which and where, and why. ⠀ The second, most common one is to make different and unique content everywhere. After all, rogue students sit on VK rich.