To create an autofits you must

What is Metricol? Metricool is a very complete tool that allows you to analyze, manage and schule content on the different social networks in which you have a presence. From this tool you can have control of practically all the aspects you ne when managing social networks, whether they are your own or those of your clients. And you can also analyze your website, your social mia campaigns and your Google Business Profile. The best thing about this tool? That they have a limit free version so you can try it for as long as you ne and that they are constantly evolving and adding new features to give us social mia professionals everything we ne.

How to create an account in

To create your Metricool account you only USA Phone Number List ne to follow these three steps: Go to the Metricool website . Click on the “Register here” button. It will take you to a page where you must enter your email and password, in addition to accepting the terms and conditions of the tool. They will send you an email to confirm your email. So go to your email inbox and click on the link to confirm your email. And that’s it, you already have a free Metricool account. If you are only going to manage your social networks, this may be enough, since with the free account you have a brand available.

Phone Number List

If you are a professional in social networks

How to create an autolist with Metricool? Autolists are a great option for content that you want to share continuously, such as your blog posts or YouTube videos access this tab and Aero Leads click the New autolist button . There you can give the autolist a name so that you can easily recognize it, select which social networks it will be publish on, at what time and on what days, and if you want it to be repeat. The repeat thing is interesting because it does the cyclical autolist, that is, it doesn’t stop when it has publish all the contents.