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Or regional autonomy as a plausible way to develop collective rights in a perspective of self-determination.eleven. But the possibility of a return to the Mapuche country to build territorial control was also rais. We believe that the recent murder of the cam member Pablo Marchant in a confrontation with Carabineros de Chile during a “land recovery” in the Santa Ana farm of Forestal Mininco is relat to the latter. . Debates over self-determination Autonomy is no longer a fad or an isolat claim for indigenous peoples. For Miguel González and Aracely Burguete Cal y Mayor, this concept must be seen as polysemic.

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They propose to think of «autonomies» as a multicolor image, with content variables and culturally construct meanings. This paradigm, understood as part of the decolonization processes, can be Armenia B2B List consider within the framework of a broader image: that of human rights. Put into debate in the Declaration of Barbados of and later in the legislation of the Regional Autonomy Regime of Nicaragua with the Sandinista Revolution, the autonomies allow progress in the discussion on the new rights that indigenous peoples carry. Thus, since the s, the leaders have been creating political, legal and symbolic frameworks to advance towards self-determination. . The Mapuche, not unaware of these debates, decid to advance towards a project of “historical character.

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As they call self-determination. In the words of José Mariman, these new postulates differ from the land claims of the th century; however, the experiences of the communities that reinforce Aero Leads the conception of autonomy were the «land recoveries» under the agrarian reforms and the settlements. For Mariman, the concept of “autonomy” is not homogeneous, it reveals an internal debate in the Mapuche “political society”, which tells us about the existence of a discourse that emphasizes the ethnocultural or traditions when imagining.