Citizenship and its problems within

Consumer society. Afterwards, environmental perception and its illegibility in the city will be addressed, and, consequently, its impacts on the daily lives and reflections of citizens. CURRENT CITIZENSHIP Citizenship, according to Arendt has as its main characteristic the citizen’s participation in public life, however, as previously stated, the current society is characterized as a consumer society, with serious consequences for the full fulfillment of man. including a necessary individuality: “While it builds and feeds a fierce and borderless individualism, consumption contributes to the annihilation of personality, without which man does not recognize itself as distinct, based on equality between all. Still, according to this sphere of distinction is the public, characterized as a common world, of light, in which it brings us together in each other’s company.

This achievement

According to Santos is only possible within a framework of life that includes the economy and culture. Santos, analyzing Brazilian citizenship Lumber and Wood Manufacturers Email Lists formation, states that “The convergence of several causes, both revolutionary and dissolving, would have a strongly negative impact on the process of formation of the idea of ​​citizenship and the reality of the citizen. It also points out that during the dictatorship, there was an economic and social policy, which, in addition to suppressing civil liberties, also prioritized economic development at all costs, strengthening a new middle class to the detriment of a large mass of poor people. The development of this dimension of consumption ends up gradually suppressing the other sensibilities that form the social body.

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As a consequence, there is a greater deepening of inequality, poverty and prejudice, which impede the development of effective citizenship. Furthermore, an “economization of social life” emerges, with an excessively competitive society, where money ends up becoming the measure of everything, as Santos states: In place of the citizen, the dissatisfied consumer appears and, therefore, voted to remain a consumer. Their dependence on new objects limits their vocation to obtain individuality and reduces the Aero Leads possibility of direct and  enriching interpersonal encounters, because they are symbolic in their very origin. however, prevents us from falling into each other. the others. The current atomized mode of socialization prevents broad social movements, and the consumer within the dynamics of consumption has even  more difficulty in raising awareness. It ends up that instead of citizens we have consumers, and they lose the right to debate the objectives of their actions .