It seems that mental health is Among concerns Among concerns not a priority. But, believe me, learning Among so many concerns how to stay well emotionally is essential to ensure a healthy and balanced life both in the present and in the future. See, below, the main reasons to prioritize your mental health in graduation: 1. Prevents the development of mental health problems According to a study by the Healthy Minds Study , more than 60% of undergraduates met criteria for at least one mental health issue between the yeaR. That is, even though college is a space for learning, building new relationships and incredible experiences, it comes with great pressure and demand, which can bring anxiety and depression.
To make the most of college
you need to be mentally and emotionally healthy. Therefore, the better you know yourself and Belarus Mobile Number List take care of your emotions, the better your performance in college and in Among concerns your professional Among so many concerns life. 3. Can reconcile different areas of life Unfortunately, when mental health is compromised by college, every other area of life Among concerns can suffer as well. That is, this emotional malaise affects performance on the internship, family time, finances and brings problems to love life. Working on your emotions, getting to know mental health techniques, enables you to acquire the essential skills to reconcile family, study, friends and work .
That’s because you learn
emotional intelligence, proactivity, among other skills. This learning comes through working on your Among so many concerns mental and emotional balance. 5. Facing challenges with resilience Finally, resilience is another skill brought about by mental health care. During your college years, it is more than necessary, as you will face many situations that can be problematic, such as difficult subjects and difficult professors. This is the ability to adapt and recover from adverse situations. professions of the future: technology and innovation in the spotlight The most common disorders among Aero leads students Some of the most common mental disorders reported by students are.