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Shalabodin This is quite logical for expert content. However, sometimes the last name is too common and the address is already taken. Then you ne to start from the topic and think about how the url address looks quite simple, easy to remember and speaks. To check if such a url address is busy, use any domain registrar, I suggest this one: hostiq.uadomains Write your url here and click check. Domain check As a result, it will show you in which domain zones it is free and how much it will cost to buy it.

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Or in the zones of a specific country that interests you the most in terms of traffic, for example, .ua if you are going to work only with Ukraine. Installing WordPress and Connecting an SSL Certificate Chad B2B List Imagine that you already have both a domain and hosting. It is desirable to buy everything in one place, so we do not have to tie anything at all. Otherwise, you will have to ask the hosting technical support to help you connect the domain. Now you ne to deploy CMS WordPress on the hosting . On different hosting, this process may look different. But for example, on the HOSTiQ service , they will do it for you for free.

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Otherwise, you ne to look for the item with the CMS installation in the hosting control panel and select WordPress there. In which case, contact those. hosting support, they will help. At the Aero Leads same stage, you will be prompt to set a login and password that will be us to enter the admin panel of your site, remember these data. An example of what the WordPress installation function might look like After that, you ne to bind the SSL certificate to the domain. This item, just like the previous one, can be solv with the help of those.